We connect K-bio industry with the world.
We promote K-bio and K-beauty industries and help them expand to the world.Enhancing the global status of K-bio
We build and support industry-university-institute-public agency networks.
We create a bio eco system by enabling the latest information flow, hosting academic seminars and holding concerts to open up bio start-up companies.Leaping to the global bio cluster in 2030
We search for prospects for bio industry.
We host competitions to attract many talented prospects to apply for jobs in the bio industry and provide them with job information on pharmaceutical companies.Attracting talent to the bio industry.
재단법인오송바이오진흥재단 금고 지정을 위한 제안 모집 재공고
2024-11-20 12:50:53(재) 오송바이오진흥재단 비상임 임원(감사) 공개 모집 재공고
2024-11-12 19:04:52(재)오송바이오진흥재단 일반직(행정 7급) 채용 공고
2024-11-06 13:48:19(재)오송바이오진흥재단 일반직(행정 9급) 채용 공고
2024-11-06 13:34:31재단법인오송바이오진흥재단 금고 지정을 위한 제안 모집 공고
2024-10-28 13:28:31